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Winterize Your Passenger Cars & Locomotives
With winter weather upon us, railroad operators must protect their fleet of locomotives or passenger cars from frozen water lines. Locomotive cooling systems and passenger car potable water-bearing systems risk freezing whenever the engine or cabin heat is turned off when unprotected, which could result in extensive damages while delaying schedules. 
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The GURU®: 
Freeze Protection You Can TRUST
Passenger car freeze protection
Passenger Car
Freeze Protection
The GURU PC® valve continuously monitors ambient temperatures to automatically drain a passenger train's potable water-bearing system should the air temperature fall below the valve's set point. 
Protect Your PC's
Locomotive freeze protection
Freeze Protection
The GURU® Plug is designed to constantly monitor water temperature and automatically snap open to drain a diesel locomotive's engine cooling system should the temperature drop close to freezing.
Protect Your Locomotives
ThermOmegaTech's railroad freeze protection:
  • Automatic
  • Simplistic
  • Completely mechanical
  • Requires no outside source of electricity to operate.
Trusted by all the Class 1's of the North American locomotive industry and the largest passenger railroad provider in the United States, the GURU® is the gold standard in your winterization procedure.
Watch How It Works
See how the GURU DL2.1 and GURU PC valves operate when temperatures drop to freezing in a Progressive Railroading Democast.
Already Got Your GURUs?
ThermOmegaTech offers a GURU Rebuild Program, allowing customers to return their used GURU's to be cleaned, refurbished, and re-tested to like-new conditions at a discounted price to guarantee optimal performance in the field. 
Rebuild Your GURU's
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Information Courtesy of ThermOmegaTech