Identify Misreported Container Weights at Busy Intermodals with Intercomp Weigh-In-Motion Scales

Intercomp technology integrates vital Weigh-In-Motion capabilities with REMPREX automated gate systems, providing first-of-its-kind solution for real-time container weighing data and enhanced operational throughput for a critical truck/railroad intermodal facility.

Read our Case Study on Weigh-In-Motion at the Gate:

"Container weights are extremely important for proper planning and placement of container loads on trains, vessels, and barges because the compounding effect of inaccurate weights can cause safety and efficiency issues across all modes of transport," said Gerry Bisaillon.

Read Our Case Study Now

"Accurately identifying the weight of a unit as it enters the facility enables load planners to avoid the delays, inefficiencies and accidents caused by under- and over-weight containers."

Gerry Bisaillon, VP of Optimization and Engineering, REMPREX, LLC

  • Identity Overweight Containers
  • Increase Efficiency and Throughput
  • Effectively Weigh Every Container without bottlenecks
  • Improved handling and lower operational costs

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Information Courtesy of Intercomp