2021 update

The most trusted names in rail infrastructure have joined together /

In 2017 we merged the rail companies Railtech, Pandrol, Pandrol CDM Track, Rosenqvist, Matweld, RSS and Vortok under the re-energized Pandrol brand. Since this merger, we have gone from strength to strength by streamlining our customer experience and providing a unified global platform for our industry-leading rail solutions. 

Pandrol defines the industry standard across rail fastening systems and aluminothermic welding. We’ve created rail infrastructure in more than 100 countries with our products and services extending to designing, developing and manufacturing equipment to make constructing and maintaining railways more efficient. That means we’ve experienced just about every situation, problem, question and solution before.

We combine our global reach with local service

We operate in over 100 countries and have four facilities across North America, South America and Canada, including our new state-of-the-art facility in Memphis. 

See all our sites 

Latest news /

IQ range of clipping machines launched

Our next-generation clip drivers are designed to dramatically increase the speed and efficiency of clipping. The IQ range encompasses a variety of smart work-enhancing features.

Find out more 

Attend our free webinar /

The third webinar in our Urban Track Design series, this free event will focus on the subject of constructability and the challenges that modern track designers face. We will be showing a variety of solutions to tackle these issues and answering customer questions. The webinar will take place 11am GMT on the 22nd of April.
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