Problem Solvers - Autonomous Inspection Systems

Conducting Critical Inspections Without Revenue Service Disruption

When it comes to successfully identifying derailment risks, track inspection personnel face two principal challenges: scheduling critical track activities within limited track time and without impacting revenue service, and accomplishing that within budget.

High traffic volumes and the growth in passenger services have put increased pressure on railroad personnel to find creative ways to identify derailment risks without taking track time away from revenue cars.

ENSCO-Developed Autonomous Inspection Systems

ENSCO, a pioneer in the research, development, and delivery of track measurement and inspection technologies, offers autonomous inspection systems that provide reliable, fully autonomous inspection installed on passenger or freight cars used in revenue service.

One of the most significant advantages of autonomous inspection technology is that every movement of the host train offers an opportunity to evaluate the track, allowing for more frequent inspections without track time being consumed by dedicated inspection vehicles.

The use of autonomous inspection technologies can result in earlier detection of track defects, allowing for maintenance practices to be preventative rather than reactive, ultimately reducing the number of track-related derailments and decreasing the cost per inspection.

Autonomous Track Geometry Measurement System (ATGMS)

ENSCO's Autonomous Track Geometry Measurement System (ATGMS) uses the latest fully digital, non-contact measurement technology employed by ENSCO in all of its manned track geometry systems.

Measurements are performed every foot, up to the maximum speed of the vehicle, and can be performed in either direction. The ATGMS provides real time transmission of continuous foot-by-foot measurement data, as well as exception processing in accordance with the automatically determined class of track.

One inherent challenge faced by traditional autonomous track measurement systems is that certain conditions or track features can mimic defects, when in fact, track conditions are normal. To remedy this, ENSCO developed advanced artificial intelligence algorithms that recognize and filter out these false exceptions. The algorithms are based on human data editors from thousands of miles of actual survey data, from which the ENSCO algorithms learned to edit out false exceptions for real-time reporting.

Autonomous Vehicle/Track Interaction Monitoring (V/TI)

The ENSCO Vehicle/Track Interaction (V/TI) Monitor is an autonomous system that provides near real-time detection of poorly performing track and rolling stock.

The system has been used in the railway industry for more than 20 years and is currently in operation in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Australia. Currently, there are more than 400 V/TI systems operating on locomotives, passenger and freight cars in daily revenue service.

ENSCO V/TI Monitors measure ride quality, wheel/rail impacts, and short-chord track surface conditions. V/TI Monitors have the ability to capture locations of a broken rail by measuring the response of a vehicle to the track and reporting the locations of severe impacts.

To learn more about ENSCO's autonomous track inspection products, please contact us at 703-321-4475 or, or visit ■

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(703) 321-4475
