Keep Your Crew Safe and Secure With a Superior RWP Solution |
Mistakes Happen, But They Don't Have To.
Over the past 14 years, 97 rail transit employees and contractors have been involved in fatal accidents while on the job.1 The NTSB's 2012 investigation into several fatal rail transit accidents concluded that human error is a main contributor and that rail transit worker safety programs may be ineffective in ensuring roadway worker protection (RWP).2
How are transit and freight agencies supposed to keep their employees safe? Miller Ingenuity, identifying the need for improved track worker safety within the rail industry, debuted their revolutionary electronic roadway worker protection system "ZoneGuard" early last year. Since then, the system has proven to be a superior solution to track worker safety.
ZoneGuard is a flexible and easy to use solution that meets the requirements of the revised FRA 214 rules, and operates as an electronic backup to your existing RWP rules and procedures.
How Does ZoneGuard Work?
ZoneGuard automatically detects and tracks train traffic, instantly communicating train approach alerts to track workers. A network of train detector and train alert modules are positioned at the ends of and along the protected track. ZoneGuard can be deployed either temporarily or permanently. Temporary, portable protection zones can be set up in minutes. Permanently fixed modules form a continuous and robust worker protection with no setup required. When a train enters a ZoneGuard work zone, the ZoneGuard Train Detector Module detects the rail vehicle, and the alert is communicated across the ZoneGuard communication network. Wearable devices worn by the roadway workers, the watchman/lookout and the employee-in-charge will receive an alert once the train is detected, providing employees the appropriate amount of time to remove themselves from harm's way.
ZoneGuard's Key Advantages
- No on-board equipment required which, in turn, provides a faster installation and cost-efficient solution.
- The reliable accuracy of the multi-sensor detection module virtually eliminates false alerts resulting in a decrease of downtime due to unexpected stoppages and an increase in awareness and reliability among crew members.
- Meticulously engineered to coincide with, not replace, existing RWP rules and procedures.
- A flexible solution leveraging the advantages of current technology.
Call our ZoneGuard experts to learn more: Kevin Smith, SVP Global Sales & Marketing, (904) 608-9676, and Joe Denny, Product & Market Specialist, (585) 223-1026,
Visit Miller Ingenuity in BOOTH 303 at The APTA Rail Conference to learn about all of our rail safety products.
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