RailMarket Reporter brought to you by Progressive Railroading magazine
RailMarket Reporter
Condition-Based Maintenance: An Up-to-date Approach to Protect Your Rail Infrastructure
Proactive maintenance strategies that reduce or eliminate unscheduled downtime are a must in today's increasingly competitive supply chain environment. However, the inherent complexities behind implementation are hindering rail organizations from applying and benefiting from these strategies. Why is it worth addressing these challenges by supporting an asset data infrastructure?
  • Reduced maintenance costs and capital
  • Improved asset availability
  • Extended asset lifecycles
By creating an environment where disparate data systems are integrated, silos are broken down and real-time data can be leveraged to drive a CBM model. Learn more about condition-based maintenance challenges and strategies, and the ultimate impact on your asset investments in this informative paper.

Even if predictive maintenance isn't a current initiative for you, it important to be informed about possible solutions and have prepared information and ideas at your disposal.

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