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RailMarket Reporter
AARS Derailment Investigation Seminar
Nov. 9-10, 2015 · Philadelphia
Presto Geosystems
Register today for the 16th Annual AARS Derailment Investigation Seminar led by Gary Wolf of Wolf Railway Consulting, Nov. 9-10, 2015 in Philadelphia at the Sheraton University Center located near the 30th and Market St. Station.
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Led by Gary Wolf, President, Wolf Railway Consulting, this seminar offers valuable derailment investigation information you just can’t get anywhere else.

Who should attend
Railroad Managers, Superintendents, Trainmasters, Field Engineers,Mechanical Officers,  Railway Engineers,  Local, State & Federal Officials (FRA, DOT), Industrial Plant Managers,  Engineering Consultants,  Environmental Specialists.

Why attend
By attending the AARS Derailment Seminar, participants will gain…
  • A working knowledge of basic track structure, performance, causes of common problems;
  • Examination of detail on axle loads, traffic density, operating speeds;
  • Optimal learning potential with presentations on railroad turnouts, crossings with details handling spots;
  • More effective on the job performance, using course-provided critical information;
  • Practical answers to your basic questions about yard derailments;
  • The latest information about methods and technologies used in current railroading practice and applicable rules, regulations, and standards.
Participants of the two-day seminar will receive a certificate of completion along with a binder full of course content to share with colleagues.
Learn from the best! Register today!
Hotel Information
The seminar will be held at the Sheraton Philadelphia University City Center, a short walk from the 30th and Market St. station.

Please make your hotel reservations directly with the hotel at the phone number listed below. The special room rate for AARS Derailment Investigation Seminar attendees is $179/night. To access this rate, please mention your participation in the AARS seminar and make your reservation prior to October 24, 2015.

Sheraton Philadelphia University City Hotel
3549 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19104
Questions? Call Carrie Foor at 331-643-3369 for more information.

Register Today→
Presto Geosystems
impression Information courtesy of American Association of Railroad Superintendents