The spread of COVID-19 across the country ushered in closings, cancellations and terms most of us never heard before, like "social distancing." Left in the wake of travel restrictions and trade shows being canceled or postponed, is a glaring question: "Where are we finding new prospects and leads?"
We have options that put you front and center.
The wide range of Progressive Railroading's print and digital products have never been more valuable to the railroad industry as subscribers are engaging with us now more than ever before. As the most trusted media source in the industry, readers are looking to us for the most current and relevant news and information. This means readership is up and awareness for advertisements in these products are at an all-time high. In fact, traffic to, which is already the industry's highest, has been up over 10% in the past three weeks.
In this time of uncertainty, maintaining your marketing presence is a must. Studies show companies that maintain aggressive marketing programs during a down economy outperform businesses that implement cost-cutting measures. In fact, companies that advertised aggressively during the 1981-82 recession had sales 256% higher after the recession ended compared to those that decreased or eliminated spending during that timeframe.
All of those potential customers you're now unable to see in person are still looking for products and solutions. And they're still keeping abreast of the rail industry. We'll deliver your message to them!
You can find all of our industry-leading print and digital products on our media kit.
Call me today! Let's find the best solution for you, together!
Acacia Reber
Regional Sales Manager